
Java TechLead (Archive)

2024-05-22 11:20 Archive Java Developer
The company is#nbsp;an#nbsp;international company that has been successfully developing unique web hosting products since 2009. To#nbsp;date, the company has more than 4,500 user companies worldwide (Dell, Zoom, IBM, etc). Also the company is#nbsp;a#nbsp;globally renowned company with a#nbsp;remote-first approach. Their guiding principles include doing the right thing, putting employees first, prioritizing remote work, and delivering affordable, high-quality infrastructure and security products that optimize businesses' operations.

Technology stack includes:

Java, Kotlin, SpringBoot2, JPA/Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Redis, MyBatis, Gradle, Kafka, and APIs.

As#nbsp;a#nbsp;Tech Lead you will:

—#nbsp;Join team and unleash your creativity as#nbsp;you design, build, and passionately oversee the delivery of#nbsp;exceptional code. From the beginning, you’ll have a#nbsp;hands-on role with a#nbsp;tangible impact on#nbsp;projects.

—#nbsp;Assume complete control and technical responsibility for the entire team.

—#nbsp;Collaborate extensively with talented Java developers, Business Analytics professionals, and Front-End Engineers.

—#nbsp;Thoroughly assess and improve architecture to#nbsp;support exceptional growth.

—#nbsp;Continuously evaluate and enhance the architecture to#nbsp;ensure the highest level of#nbsp;data security at#nbsp;all times.

—#nbsp;Engage in#nbsp;designing solutions and documenting technical specifications.

—#nbsp;Make critical managerial decisions and take full ownership of#nbsp;a#nbsp;product’s success.


—#nbsp;Extensive experience in#nbsp;building enterprise-grade applications using Java and Kotlin.

—#nbsp;A#nbsp;strong understanding of#nbsp;Functional programming in#nbsp;Java.

—#nbsp;Proven ability to#nbsp;create applications with embedded CI/CD for frequent and reliable software delivery.

—#nbsp;Expertise in#nbsp;Java, SpringBoot2, JPA/Hibernate, PostgreDB, Redis, MyBatis, Gradle, Kafka, and APIs.

—#nbsp;A#nbsp;genuine passion for the SaaS field.

—#nbsp;Confidence in#nbsp;explaining solution designs and code to#nbsp;architects and developers.

—#nbsp;Experience in#nbsp;Linux server administration is#nbsp;a#nbsp;plus.

—#nbsp;While managerial experience is#nbsp;a#nbsp;big plus, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;not a#nbsp;requirement. Extensive experience as#nbsp;a#nbsp;Java Principal developer or#nbsp;architect will suffice.

—#nbsp;Intermediate level of#nbsp;English language proficiency or#nbsp;higher.

What’s in#nbsp;it#nbsp;for you?

—#nbsp;the company offers compensation in#nbsp;US dollars, which is#nbsp;discussed individually with each candidate and is#nbsp;based on#nbsp;his expertise (7000−10 000 usd gross by#nbsp;b2b contract);

—#nbsp;You may work remotely from a#nbsp;location of#nbsp;your choice, company has flexible working hours;

—#nbsp;Paid one month vacation per year and unlimited sick leave;

—#nbsp;Medical insurance reimbursement;

—#nbsp;Co-working and gym/sports reimbursement;

—#nbsp;The opportunity to#nbsp;receive a#nbsp;reward for the most innovative idea that the company can patent;

—#nbsp;A#nbsp;focus on#nbsp;professional development (Training reimbursements, Mentor programs, Knowledge-Exchange programs).