Jobseekers: Support & Relocation Assistance

Attention! Fraud Alert!

Please note that Lucky Hunter recruiters use only LinkedIn and the email provided in your CV as the communication channels. Under no circumstances will our agency contact you using your phone number. If you ever receive any communication via WhatsApp claiming to be from our agency, please be cautious, as it is definitely a scammer.

How do we
assist job seekers?

With our extensive IT industry knowledge, we can provide valuable advice on how to effectively showcase your skills and abilities.

Resume Optimisation

We provide guidance, practical tips and strategies to find a job of your dreams.

Job search strategies

We appreciate your time and effort and offer feedback regardless of whether you are a suitable fit for the position or not.

Quick feedback

Moving to a different country can be challenging, and we provide support to make your relocation as hassle-free as possible.

Relocation assistance

Lucky Hunter

At Lucky Hunter, we do not treat candidates as mere applications – we aim to build trustful relationships with them. We believe in transparent and sincere communication with both companies and candidates. Thanks to this partnership approach, we have become a renowned and reliable partner of industry leaders.
In the world of recruitment, there are no past clients or former candidates. It is why we establish trust-based connections with each individual, ensuring that the communication process is as smooth as possible.

— Tatiana Melnichuk,
CEO and Founder of Lucky Hunter

Get in touch to explore the world of IT recruiting with us. If you are a candidate, please submit your resume, and we will contact you when the perfect job opportunity comes along.