Lucky Hunter and its influence on the IT industry

We work in the most dynamic and progressive field and recognise the significance of contributing to its advancement. Our mission is to recruit outstanding IT talents for excellent companies while benefiting the community.


During our expert consultations, we offer invaluable insights into the IT job market, job opportunities, salary ranges, and the recruitment of top-notch specialists.

Consultations are critical for us as an IT recruitment agency. They empower us to quickly and effectively connect outstanding companies with experienced IT professionals, leading to the realisation of cutting-edge IT innovations and the development of groundbreaking products that elevate global quality of life.

Recruiter Training

At Lucky Hunter, we are dedicated to spreading our experience and expertise to an IT community. We aim to connect diverse individuals across various means and channels, including Habr, TEDx, and Forbes, where we provide valuable insights and advice on recruiting.
We aim to provide means to specialists to become proficient recruiters capable of influencing the IT industry.

Market research

At Lucky Hunter, we are committed to investing our time and resources in thorough market research. Recently, we have explored different subjects, including the unique requirements of IT specialists, their perspectives on testing assignments, and their preferences for the number of selection stages.

We are confident that our research holds significant value for the community, offering insights that can assist both individuals and organisations in gaining a deeper understanding of the market and in making well-informed business choices.

Changing the world of IT recruitment

At Lucky Hunter, we understand the role that IT professionals play in the success of a business.

That's why we utilise a unique neuroscientific approach, which applies principles from neuroscience and psychology to select candidates based on their cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and behavioural traits.

This approach ensures that we find the best fit for every client's specific needs.
This unique approach distinguishes us from other agencies and allows us to become a reliable partner for businesses seeking the best IT  talents.

We use advanced technology to analyse data

to pinpoint the most talented candidates

While also considering the human aspect of recruitment

such as empathy, intuition, and cultural compatibility